Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Got an email today asking me if I've intentionally backed off laughing out loud at the Pajama Party. In a way, I guess so. Shooting fish in a barrel isn't much fun. They try to be all things to all people and wind up being a shadow of what they could be, of what blogs are supposed to be. And they've been quiet lately, at long last realizing that cursing and screaming at those who've found their GRAVITAS to be somewhat lacking akin to feeding the pirahna's. And now I'm feeling sorry for them, too. But I shouldn't. Such world class hubris deserves to be held to the light of day and derided for all it's worth, but it's back to the fish in a barrel syndrome, yadda yadda. Plus there's the part of me that still expects it to be revealed as some sort of hoax. Hard to believe that such displays of incompetence are for real. They cannot defeat the biased MSM with such flubdubbery, and indeed they make the brick and mortar types appear far more pertinent and professional when compared to something that calls itself Pajamas and wants to be taken seriously.

Maybe if Dennis generates a good enough rantarooni I'll become inspired enough to forget that punishing animals and children and the retarded is a bad thing.

But on to something important; anyone know where I can find a #6 follower for a .40 caliber Glock magazine?

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