Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Back In The Mid-50's....

...President Eisenhower was told that Mexicans were invading the States at an alarming rate. He gathered his advisors together and they hammered out a plan to deport them.

All 1 million of them.

There wasn't anything fancy about it. Immigration officials swarmed to the scene of beaner-intrusions and back to south of the border they went. The country nodded in agreement. After all, as a nation of immigrants who went through hell and high water to get here, strove mightily to learn English and fit in, why should Mexicans be allowed to thumb their noses at our laws? And back then, the talk about cheap labor allowing America to prosper made folks decidedly queasy. Wasn't that, after all, the justification for slavery? Were modern plantation owners reviving the old Massa meme? No way. No way in bloody hell. They'd just fought WWII and were going to allow invasions at home? By people who brought along their own flags and refused to speak the language? Wasn't this what Hitler had just tried?

But the operation needed a name. All operations need a name. Can't call them Sally, either. The name has to fit.

Operation Wetback was a smashing success, and I kid you not.

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