Sunday, August 27, 2006

Beaten To The Punch...

Was preparing a "BUSH LIED PLUTO DIED" feature until stumbling upon the following:

"Bush Kicks Pluto Out Of The Solar System"

"Bush’s big astronomy buddies announced this week that Pluto’s planetary status has been officially revoked, and it is no longer welcome in the solar system. Such is the price of dissent in this day and age.

On the bright side, three “dwarf planets” have been admitted into our celestial community – three new additions to Bush’s Galactic Coalition of the Coerced and the Bribed. One can only wonder what kind of deal he struck with all those poor, naive little dwarves. No doubt it involves stealing their oil.

However, I can’t help but question the timing of the whole thing. It’s just a little too coincidental that three whole planets appear out of their cosmic deep freeze now, simultaneously, without any sort of advance warning, and so close to the November elections."

And the similarities were just too much so go and read the Blame Bush! version.

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