Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ole' Jimbo Is Getting One Helluva Chuckle From All 'A That There Ruckus...

Gresham: Talking with my good friend Jim Zumbo. He's the hunting editor of Outdoor Life, and has his own TV show on the Outdoor Channel, and he and I have hunted together various places over the years. And, uh, you're occasionally, it's a bad deal when you watch a friend have a train wreck or a car wreck, and I just watched Jim step in it big-time. Is that fair, Jim?

Zumbo: (Chuckles) Totally fair. Absolutely.

Gresham: OK

Zumbo: Never seen anything like it.

Gresham: Basically posted, you just wrote something on your blog, on the Outdoor Life blog, and it just caused a firestorm like I've never seen before, and essentially it was...

Zumbo: What a legacy to put on my tombstone, huh?

Gresham: Oh my gosh! Well, I've got to tell you, the thing that has probably has ticked people off the most, is when you said an AR15 is a "terrorist's rifle."
Head on over to The Smallest Minority to see it all, including one laugh-riot pic entitled "Night Of The Living Fudd". Mr. Zumbo was tossed nothing but softballs over at Tom Gresham's Gun Talk, and after I get done Googling the shite out of Gresham maybe we can see who HIS sponsers are.

Just joshin'. It's perfectly cool to side with an old friend no matter how much of an asshole he might be. Scary part about the whole filmflam is the fact that Mr. Z STILL doesn't have a clue, and this might be indicative of a lot of the Fuddites earning a living...from

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