Sunday, January 27, 2008

Yet Another Surrender-First RINO Who Doesn't Get It

So as Conservative Republicans we find ourselves with no suitable Presidential candidates. This is of course to our credit, for we wouldn't BE Conservative Republicans if we let any old poser slither into the fold. Not so, says Peggy Noonan, who believes that an era has come to and end simply because we will not stand for watered down Conservatism. The converse is true but of course, as it is to our CREDIT that we remain steadfast in such a selection, and instead of praise we get the same-old, same-old liberal viewpoint that surrender is best when sorely pressed.

Conservatism has been tested and found capable of fighting back. Now read Miss Noonan's blithering attempt to convince us otherwise...

"As for the Republicans, their slow civil war continues. The primary race itself is winnowing down and clarifying: It is John McCain versus Mitt Romney, period. At the same time the conservative journalistic world is convulsed by recrimination and attack. They're throwing each other out of the party. Republicans have become very good at that. David Brooks damns Rush Limbaugh who knocks Bill Kristol who anathematizes whoever is to be anathematized this week. This Web site opposes that magazine.

The rage is due to many things. A world is ending, the old world of conservative meaning, and ascendancy. Loss leads to resentment. (See Clinton, Bill.) Different pundits back different candidates. Some opportunistically discover new virtues in candidates who appear at the moment to be winning. Some feel they cannot be fully frank about causes and effects..."

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