Wednesday, July 14, 2010

They Don't Call It Ill-Annoy For Nothin'

Illinois To Seek Fat-Tax For Foods

There's (a) push to explore taxing soft drinks that are sweetened with sugars – all to get you to stop buying them.
A coalition of groups is in the very early stages of mapping out a plan to fight fat in Illinois. Sugared beverage consumption has tracked with rising obesity rates – so it's getting some attention.


As Ill-Annoy goes, D.C. usually leaps on that bandwagon, so now at least we know why thunder-thighs Michelle needed to find sanctuary in the White House, and the urgency to get Kagan from harm's way too. Then of course, there's RodHam....

And sweet moses on a pogo but just think of the taxes cops will be forced to pay at doughnut shops.

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