Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fat...Strike That... FIRST lady asks restaurants to serve healthy foods

WASHINGTON – Fat lady First lady Michelle Obama is prodding the nation's restaurants to add more healthy options to menus, label those items more prominently and market nutritious foods to kids.
Speaking to the National Restaurant Association on Monday, Mrs. Obama pleaded with restaurants small and large to take a little butter or cream out of their dishes, use low fat milk and provide apple slices or carrots as a default side dish on the kids' menu.

When asked how anyone could rail against the freedom to eat while at the same time being so considerably overweight that the world's best fashion designers find it difficult to hide the excess carry-on, the Fat Lady First Lady replied, "You watch yowah own fat ass honkey a'fore ma secret services makes ya'll wish ya'll nevah been borns. Burp."

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